Maybe you have seen my Instagram post recently, where I share my opinion about the black friday and Christmas as a commercial holiday. Or maybe not.
"Black friday is over, but christmas is coming, people are buying
stuff and stuff and stuff. Maybe we forgot what's the purpose of christmas.
Being together, loving each other. Family, love and peace.
I don't want presents this year.
I don't want to get anything for christmas.
Because I have all I need to be happy. My happiness does not depend on
my material possessions. During black friday we buy so much stuff, because it
is not cheap. And we forget to ask ourselves do we really need this, or that?
All that extra stuff, to be produced, uses energy and resources, that our earth
does not have. So next time you are up to buying something, ask yourself, and think
if you have any other alternative (not buying it, borrowing it, second hand).
Shine the brightest you can. Maggie."
By the way, you can follow me on Instagram here. We are more than 150, and I am so grateful for you. I share my pictures, thoughts and food almost daily. If you are interested, don't be shy, and join the family!
What made me first realize I did not really appreciate gifts, was at my goodbye-party, this summer. I had invited my best friends and aimed to spend a happy night with them and say goodbye properly. Is it useful to say that I did not expect any gift? But I got lots, and have been truly surprised.
I had just begun my minimalist journey, and even if every gift was a really nice way to say goodbye, I did not need them. And even if I loved every single person I invited, I did not appreciate their gifts as much as their presence, their words, or their letters.
That's what matters to me, and I don't need more.
Then I forgot about those gifts, most of them being back home. And Black Friday came. Yes, I went shopping, and maybe I needed that to realize how materialistic it was. It is a really good way for those of us that do not have much money to afford good quality products that will last longer. But I haven't seen that purpose.
As it is cheap, it seems everybody has to buy more and more.
People buy their Christmas presents at this time of the year, which made me think about mines. And then I realised I did not want to show my love with a gift, especially when I knew it would not be useful or loved. A gift just to give something.
So I decided that this Christmas, Santa is not coming for me. I do not need anything. It is that simple.
But in some cultures, or people's habits, gifts are really important, and maybe you are afraid to refuse them. Then why not make a list of everything you need, so people know what to give you? That would be a real gift.
Pyjamas, sport shoes, a coat, or a bathing suit.
Or offer an experience to someone you love, a vacation, a movie.
You could give money, so he or she can use it for something needed.
I personally do not want anything this year. And I decided to not give anything either. I will write a letter to each person I carry in my heart. Tell them I love them, how much they count for me. And I think they will all be happy.
That was my Christmas presents list for Santa, what is yours?
See ya soon,
Love, consciousness and compassion,