Hey all,
This week I thought I'd share with you all my zero waste tips for the bathroom, because I am really proud to be 99% zero waste, bathroom wise. Let us know in the comments if you have other essentials, and don't forget to join us on instagram and subscribe to the newsletter to get notified at every new post.
Deodorant: I switched to baking soda a year ago and have no intention to go back. I get it in a big cardboard container and use it for everything (post coming).
Toothpaste: I have tried to make my own toothpaste in the past, but my teeth ended up hurting me so I am sticking to a natural vegan toothpaste for now. I also use baking soda for white teeth and protection of the tooth enamel.
Toothbrush: I have been using bamboo toothbrushes for a year and have noticed no difference, except that they are prettier. I got together with two friends and got a big pack so that they would be cheaper.
Floss: I am supposed to foll everyday. *me never flossing*
I still have some floss I bought a while ago, but have found my replacement already. I'll get a floss that comes in cardboard (I tried 100% cotton thread but it didn't quite work).
Tissues: I found cloth tissues at my grandma's house and decided to use those. You can find some in thrift stores, ask older people around you or sew your own with an old t-shirt or a pretty cotton fabric. If you don't feel like it, you can compost your paper tissues as well, but they shouldn't be colored. Make sure to get the recycled paper ones too!
Creams: I have replaced all my creams by vegetable oils. I have used almond oil for my body and face, but almonds are really not the most eco-friendly option, so after I finish what I have, I will probably switch to sunflower seed oil (its composition is close to natural skin oil). The advantage of almond oil is that it has a neutral smell.
Makeup: I don't really use makeup, so that's less waste and more savings, but I still own two lipsticks and some other things, but never really have to buy more. Here is a good youtube video on how to make your own zero waste makeup, otherwise you can opt for natural brands, or try to go makeup free.
Scrub: I use coffee grounds recycled from when we make coffee (we have an Italian coffee pot).
Masks: I use green clay with a little water and apply t on my skin. I got a big glass jar of it, so it is a waste-free mask. There are different clays that go with different types of skins. I also have an aloe vera at home which is great for face masks, sunburns or simply sensitive skin.
Cotton balls/pads: I simply use reusable cotton pads. I have bought mines, but you can also make your own (DIY here) with an upcycled piece of clothing.
Periodic tampons and pads: I have a menstrual cup which I told you about on instagram, but I usually prefer cotton pads. That is really personal, you may try and see what suits your lifestyle and preference. I have made my own cotton pads, because I find them way too expensive in stores. If you have some sewing sills you may like these DIYs (1 & 2).
Shampoo: I made my own shampoo from castile soap which I usually use. When I travel I use a shampoo bar I got from a local natural shop, as it takes so little space. You can also opt for big shampoo bottles (1l or more) and recycle them, this way you will reduce your waste. After every shower I rinse my hair with a rinse vinegar-water (1:1) and that does miracles. I am curious to try the "no-poo" hair washing, with baking soda and vinegar.
Soap: I use a soap bar for everything that is not washing my hair.
Those are the main zero waste swaps I did and I had almost no waste over a whole month. I used a lot of recycled/repurposed objects and have made many DIYs, so let me know if you'd be interested in a DIY bathroom post. I find the bathroom to be the easiest place to reduce waste, compared to the kitchen and the office. Waste is an important factor in our carbon footprint, especially plastic. Plastic will never biodegrade, it will stay on earth forever, so I do my best to avoid it, in every aspect of my life.